понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Small Business News: Marketing Matrix

Like the characters in the sci-fi/fantasy filmThe Matrix, today’s small business marketers face an unfamiliar and rapidly changing landscape in which nothing is what it seems and from which none of us can return to what we once knew. With the coming of new technologies and new trends, your small business must be ready for a whole new kind of marketing…or disappear forever.


Are you using video marketing? We’ve probably all heard repeated predictions about the importance of video for online marketing and being found on the Web, but Chris Hamilton suggests that soon, because of rapid expansion of video on the Web, your company may soon have no business at all without using it.Sales Tip a Day

Why marketing remains a numbers game. Targerting smaller niche audiences has become the key trend, especially in Internet marketing where relevant search rules. But this approach may still be at odds with another key philosophy of marketing which suggests that big numbers still matter.Sprouter Blog

On the other hand…This post gives a compelling overview of what is probably the most rational approach to marketing. It’s probably between launching your product or service and finding your customer base that all the real trouble happens. So how do you handle marketingbeforeyou know who your customers are?Seth Godin’s Blog


Market research in the want ads. Find out who companies are hiring and you can effectively target their needs. It may not be the craziest idea anyone’s ever had. This  is a great way to add yet one more layer of knowledge about your potential customers and your market.WSJ

Better marketing by changing your product. Sometimes, let’s face it, the product or service is the problem. A simple change to what you are offering or a change in focus of the people you are offering it to can make all the difference in the world. Want more prove? Read the above case study.You’re the Boss

Social Media

More businesses spend money in social media. Are you spending money advertising in social media? Should you? There is a definite increase in social media advertising spend happening out there, probably, in part, due to the ever increasing audience social media commands. Do you need to reach that audience too?Technorati

How to track social media effectiveness. OK, so you’ve started using social media to market your business or brand. But how can you tell if it’s working or not? Well, measuring social media impact is not only possible, it’s not that difficult with a bit of practice.Small Business Trends

Old School

Newspaper advertising that still works. If rates are competitive and reaching a specific established geographic audience is still important to you, do not forget the option of newspaper advertising. But not just any newspaper advertising will do in this highly competitive marketing environment.StepByStep

Using radio to build your brand. Whether broadcast over the airwaves in the traditional format or distributed across the Internet in podcast form, radio remains a powerful form of communication. Securing spots for interviews etc. on either traditional or online radio can be a way to help get your message out in a form that people will respect.EMSI

Marketing with vintage vinyl. No, this doesn’t mean placing information about your business on vintage vinyl recordings. (But what a unique concept, huh?) It’s about using outdoor vinyl signs, of all things, to market a restaurant or similar business dependent upon street traffic. Remember, even in a digital, social media age, it’s what works that counts.UPrinting


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