понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.

4 Reasons Your Brand Should Avoid Facebook

Last week on SmallBizTrends we discussed some of the newchanges being made to Facebook brand pagesdesigned to increase communication between brands and users. As a SMB owner myself, I was really pleased with the announced upgrades. I felt they addressed many of the long-standing frustrations I had and it was nice to see Facebook tackle so many of them at once. Now that Facebook has upgraded its platform for brands, that means you should absolutely head over there and create a page for your small business, right?

Well, not exactly.

Just because Facebook has made important upgrades to its platform, doesn’t mean it’s a place you need to be. Below are a few reasons you shouldn’t create a presence on Facebook. Feel free to replace Facebook with “Twitter”, “blogging” or “that other social media site” as you see fit. Because, really, the same rules apply.

You don’t have the resources to invest there

You’ve heard it a million times – the only thing worse than having no presence on a social media site is having a BAD one. And it’s the truth. Creating a Facebook brand page means making the choice to invest valuable time and resources into Facebook instead of putting them somewhere else. To create a strong Facebook presence you’ll need a person (or a group of people) that can create content, start conversations, respond to interactions, moderate activity and more. If you don’t have the time to participate in Facebook or you’re not interested in devoting the time to it, then don’t create the initial page. Because once it’s there, you have to manage it. Otherwise it collects dust and shows users that you’re really not paying attention.

Your audience isn’t there

It would not be wise to assume that your audience is on Facebook simply because marketers love talking about it. As a small business owner, it’s a waste of your time and money to invest in a site that’s not going to convert for you or that won’t help you to build awareness. You want to make smart choices whenpicking the right social network for your brand. To help you do that, it’s worth spending some time looking at your analytics, your referrer logs and even asking your customers which social networks they use before you simply hop on and create a presence. Otherwise you may be buying a dress for the wrong party.

Facebook doesn’t align with your business goals

Not every small business will benefit from creating a social media presence. If you’re the type of business that has to run everything through legal or corporate or PR before you publish it, then social media may become a bottleneck that your business could do without. Or perhaps you don’twantto interact with your customers. If that’s the case, then there might be a better way for you to get your message out then forcing someone in your company to be social. If social media doesn’t align with your business goals, then don’t feel pressured to set up shop.

You can’t keep up with it

It’s not just the daily interactions and updating that can take time away from a small business owner, you also have to factor in the time involved staying up-to-date with Facebook’s constant changes and updates. Creating a presence on Facebook means you have to be aware when Facebookremoves a feature, only toput it back a few days later. You have to know what the best practices are today, compared to what they were a year ago. Because things change fast in social media. If you’re not watching, you may miss something and accidentally get your brand in trouble or miss out on a prime opportunity.

Obviously the rules above don’t apply to just Facebook. Before you invest in any social media or marketing channel for your business, you want to establish a clear reason for what you’re doing and an understanding of how you’ll use that site/platform to reach your goals. Don’t assume you need a Facebook page just because everyone is talking about it. Do your homework and have a purpose for being there.


воскресенье, 27 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: More Legal Tips For Your Business

Though the legal side of your business may not necessarily involve making money or expanding your client or customer base, mistakes can certainly cost you money thus threatening even a profitable business if the errors are particularly costly. Here is the latest from around the Web of legal tips you may want to consider to protect your small business today and in the future.


Avoid liabilities at your business. Here are three tips for decreasing the chances of slips and falls in your small business. More and more businesses are operated online these days, however, if you have a place of business, slips and falls or other accidents remain a risk. To avoid liability, consider slip and fall issues from the beginning.Reuters

Cut down legal fees on late payment issues. The post includes seven tips for getting those late payment issues resolved. Cash flow is the lifeblood of your company but having to take legal action to recover overdue invoices will only destroy your relationships with these customers and could cost your business even more. Try these tips first and see if you can get those debts paid first before taking things to the next level. Daily Dose

Avoiding bad debtors in your small business. Another aspect of dealing with bad debts and overdue invoices is to have better credit policies to avoid bad risks before extending credit to them in the first place. Do you extend credit to customers in your business. If so, you may want to check out these 10 tips for adopting a better policy in the future again avoiding possible costly legal action in the future.Dynamic Business


Avoid legal costs with legal Websites. Yes, there are times when it may be necessary to call a lawyer for legal advice in your small business, but increasingly there are other sources of basic legal information including on the Web. Here are some ideas for online sources of legal information that you may wish to research before making the call to an attorney.Small Business Trendsencourages you to research options fully before making important legal decisions for your company. The Street

Avoid legal problems while hiring. Clearly the most important aspect of the hiring process is to get the right person for the right job and, of course, this can be critical in a small business where a few key people can clearly make or break your company. But making mistakes during the hiring process can also lead to legal problems and you should be aware of these before you begin. Here are some thoughts to get you started.SavannahNow.com


Is someone in your business robbing you blind? Internal theft, whether large or small, can be another legal issue faced by many companies. It is a mistake to believe that it cannot happen to you. If you have employees or managers in your business, it’s important to make sure that you are taking steps to make sure internal theft does not occur. Here are some thoughts to consider.Standard-Times

Tips for legal deducations that save your business money. Another way to save money is to be sure you take all legal deductions at tax time. While you certainly don’t need the potentially costly hassle of underpaying on your taxes, paying more than you are legally obligated to can also be a problem. Here are some tips you may wish to consider to be sure you are deducting a legal amount.PR Newswire


Legal hassles with high profile clients. The alleged theft of a a designer necklace by actress Lindsay Lohan has small businesses who deal with high profile clients talking. But in the end, say two sisters whose designer jewelry business depends on star clients for its bread and butter, business with the rich and famous is all about trust. Sound familiar?Portfolio.com

Does your business have a tech policy? With mobile devices increasingly not simply the way people stay connected in their leisure hours but how they conduct business as well, it may be time to consider the liability realities for you and your employees. Legal experts suggest having a policy is the best way of avoiding trouble with tech usage in the future.The Business Journal

Social Media

Creating a social media policy for your business. It may seem to run contrary to the open and transparent characteristics espoused by social media gurus, but experts argue that your small business should have a thoroughly thought out social media policy, and one clearly understood by your employees, before hitting Facebook or Twitter on behalf of your brand. Here are some thoughts on how to do avoid trouble with a social media policy that fits your needs.Computer Business Review


суббота, 26 февраля 2011 г.

One on One: Gail Goodman of Constant Contact

Welcome to another in our One on One series of conversations with some of the most thought-provoking entrepreneurs, authors and experts in business today. Gail Goodman, CEO of Constant Contact, spoke with Brent Leary in this interview, which has been edited for publication. To hear audio of the full interview, page down to the loudspeaker icon at the end of the post.

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One on One: Gail Goodman of Constant Contact

Small Business Trends: Constant Contact has been around for a number of years, but just recently, you acquired a company called Bantam Live, which is well known for social CRM, particularly at the small business end. Before we discuss that news, can you tell me a bit about Constant Contact?

Gail Goodman:Constant Contact helps small businesses, nonprofits and associations stay connected to their customers using great-looking email campaigns, running events, online surveys and, increasingly, social media. It’s all about staying connected with the customer.

Small Business Trends: Why did Constant Contact make the move to buy a social CRM company?

Gail Goodman:We have over 400,000 small business customers who use our products to communicate with customers. That communication is increasingly extending from email to social media. Those conversations are staying alive longer because they move to social. We like to say,“Email lights the fire and social fans the flame.”

As {small businesses} move over to social, we were hearing,“I want to be able to remember which customers were engaged with me and what those conversations were about and have a more comprehensive view of where my contacts are connecting with me.”Social CRM is the answer. Bantam Live has a small business and social CRM focus–it was a perfect fit.

Small Business Trends: What will Constant Contact and Bantam Live customers gain from the acquisition?

Gail Goodman:For current Constant Contact customers, as we integrate this technology, they will have a more comprehensive view of their engagement with their contact database. Their contact database will become a living platform where they can see who is most engaged and least engaged, which audiences like which kinds of content, and which kinds of content drive the most conversation and the most viral social reach.

For the Bantam Live folks, on top of the great social CRM platform they already have, we will be bringing them a suite of applications to drive further engagement. Social CRM gives you a great view, but how do you engage, how do you start dialogues? Being able to drive email campaigns, surveys or invitations to targeted groups gives them a powerful set of tools to take advantage of the social CRM insights they’re already getting.

Small Business Trends: You speak a lot about contact, content and insights. Can you talk a little bit about that mix and how the move you just made helps small businesses get that triad together?

Gail Goodman:We all know what contacts are, right? I think most small businesses {understand} that making the most out of every connection, whether it starts with a purchase or a conversation, is the beginning of a relationship. If you do it right, that turns into repeat sales, word-of-mouth referrals and advocacy. The only way that happens is if you connect with them with information and content. If it’s all about what’s in it for you, nothing happens.

Modern marketing is all about using content, typically content that adds value to the audience, thought leadership that engages the audience and establishes you as the expert. That’s where content comes in. What makes content engaging is relevancy. You need to connect the contact information with the content information. Contacts are the people, content is how I connect to the people, and insights are how I learn what worked and what didn’t at both the campaign level and the individual contact level so I can continue to drive better engagement, which drives better business.

Small Business Trends: You’ve said social CRM will be a foundational piece moving forward with Constant Contact. How would you describe that?

Gail Goodman:We believe that no matter what you are doing to stay connected with and engage your customers, you need that social CRM view to do that correctly. Even if you are saying;“Boy, I’m not sure I want to be a social media marketing maven. My email newsletter is continuing to stay connected, and that’s all I want to do,” you still want to take that content for your newsletter and give it social reach. Make sure you’re following the preferences of your audience; they might move from email as their preferred channel to social as their preferred channel.

Whether you are leading with social or leading with email or leading with face-to-face, know the right places to follow up, and track the level of engagement of each individual. We believe that social CRM, from whatever angle you come into that world, is the foundational element on which every {business} should be beginning to build.

Small Business Trends: Where can people learn more about social CRM, Bantam Live and Constant Contact?

Gail Goodman:Start at theConstant Contact website. In particular, Constant Contact/social mediais an anchor page to lots of things we’re doing in social, and there is a great link to Bantam Live information from there.


пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Are You Blogging For Your Business?

Should you be? Of course, plenty of data exists out there on the Web and in books and from other sources about the marketing, PR and branding quality of brands. But are they right for your business and what is their future as a tool for small businesses and entrepreneurs? We’ve rounded up a couple of links to bring you up to speed. Your thoughts?


Are Facebook and Twitter killing blogs? The new platforms, sometimes collectively referred to as microblogging, offer a new opportunity that is arguably more social then blogs ever were? Of course, there is now a distinct generational difference between users of blogs and users of other social media and presumably between readers of both formats.PC World

Blogging Benefits

Why blogging is still on top. But while some may argue business marketing is invariably drifting toward the shorter forms of social media like Facebook or other“microblogging” platforms, some entrepreneurs and small business people insist that in the hierarchy of social media, blogging remains the most important format for sharing your idea. BlogHer


The rise of the collective niche blog. Want to make a bigger impact in a day and age of mediocre personal journaling and noisy social media sites. Find other bloggers who share your passion. Why a collective niche blog can be the perfect vehicle for your marketing message.ZDNet


Why blogs are still in business. Recently, numerous posts all based around research by the Pew Internet and American Life Project seem to cast doubt on the future of blogging in the shadow of increased use of other social media like Facebook and Twitter. The reality may be a bit more complex. Here are some things to consider before abandoning your small business blog.Social Media Insider


How to turn your blog into a business. Blogs can also be a starting point for some small business owners or entrepreneurs as a way to explore a niche and eventually create a business model around it. Take the example of Shealynn Benner who turned her passion of photography into a line of products that filled a need by other who shared her passion.abc15.com


Local chambers turn to business blogging. In an effort to help their members compete and perhaps even find unparalleled success in the era of the Internet, local chambers of commerce like this one are offering members help developing blogging, social media marketing and other online techniques to stand up. Has your chamber gotten into the act?SCNow.com

Success Stories

How are local businesses using blogs for marketing? We go to Columbus, OH, for this interview that looks at how one businesses of all sizes are using blogging as a marketing tool. No matter what kind of business you operate, blogs can be a highly effective means of getting the information out about who you are and what you do. Here’s more!Examiner.com

Turning blogging into business. Beyond simply using blogs to market your business or to find your market, research it and produce and market a product or service as a result, there are those who have turned blogs themselves into a lucrative business. These pioneering entrepreneurs have taken a variety of routes to success, but the key to that success might surprise you.Business News Daily


Business journalists also flock to blogging. Not only are blogs being used by business owners and entrepreneurs to market and network, they are increasingly being used by the journalists who cover business, as this post promoting the growth in blogging at one regional business Website. This is yet another reason for entrepreneurs who haven’t yet done so to begin a blog today making it easier to connect with key writers in the field.Buffalo Business First


Possibly the best post on blogging and marketing ever written. So contrary are the conventions of modern advertising to the standard approach of blogging that it hardly seems the two subjects should ever belong in the same post. And yet, Darren Rowse has invoked the words of one of the most innovative ad men in recent memory to tell us all that blogging should be…and without cynicism or pandering.ProBlogger


четверг, 24 февраля 2011 г.

SBA Overhauls Rules for 8(a) Set-Aside Program

The Small Business Administration has announced major changes to the rules for its primary set-aside contracting program. The changes to the 8(a) program were made in an effort to reduce fraud and make sure contracts go to deserving small businesses.

“The regulations, first and foremost, help ensure the benefits flow to the intended recipients,”SBA Administrator Karen Mills said in announcing the rules.“By tightening the regulations, along with unprecedented oversight over the past two years, SBA is demonstrating its commitment to preventing waste, fraud and abuse.”

SBA Overhauls Rules for 8(a) Set-Aside Program

The new changes will include:

  • Joint Ventures–the 8(a) firm is now required to perform at least 40 percent of the work of each joint venture contract awarded.
  • Economic Disadvantage– the new rules clarify how economic disadvantage is determined related to total assets, gross income, retirement accounts and other factors.
  • Mentor-Protégé Program– mentors must provide assistance to protégés or face consequences.

The Washington Post, reporting on the changes, noted that the 8(a) program has been abused by large companies and entrepreneurs who don’t meet the criteria as disadvantaged, but still take advantage of the rules. Enforcement could remain problematic, though, since agencies are short-staffed and many procurement officials are too unfamiliar with the rules to administer them properly.

In October, a Washington Post investigation led the SBA to temporarily suspended a large contractor, technology company GTSI, from doing business with the government after evidence came out that GTSI had used two small businesses to get contracting work to which it wasn’t legitimately entitled.

I think we can all agree that ensuring contracting opportunities go to the right companies is a worthwhile goal. These changes are the first comprehensive overhaul of the 8(a) program in over 10 years, and were made based partly on input from small business owners at public meetings held nationwide.

SBA announced the new rules on February 11; will become effective in 30 days on March 14, 2011. You can get full details on therevisions and a guide to the 8(a) programat the SBA website.


среда, 23 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Lessons for Entrepreneurs

Knowledge is the key tool for the small business or entrepreneur of today and tomorrow. That knowledge gives even small start-ups the leverage to do great things and expand beyond what might have once seemed possible. Resources to increase your knowledge and to learn important lessons for entrepreneurs are everywhere. This roundup is dedicated to both events and online resources that will broaden your knowledge as an entrepreneur. We hope you find it helpful.


Art of Marketing” conference comes to Toronto. Star speakers will include Guy Kawasaki, Jeffrey Hayzlett, Gary Vaynerchuk and Dr Sheena Iyengar at the Art of Marketing Conference Monday, March 7th, 2011 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre in downtown Toronto from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Thanks to Tony Johnston for helping to spread the word.Biz Money Matters

Free Webcast Wedenesday on retirement saving for small business. From employee pensions to savings incentive match plans like SEPs, simple IRAs, and 401(k)s, you’ll learn more about every aspect of what’s important for helping your employees with retirement in this event sponsored by the ?U.S. Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration and the America Saves.United States Department of Labor


Should you choose open source or proprietary for your Website? The conventional wisdom amongst online entrepreneurs out there may be that use of open source content management systems like WordPress are the best choice for your online presence. Here’s a somewhat different perspective on the issue. What are your plans for your online business?In10sity


How to handle customer complaint issues. No matter what kind of business you run, no matter how big or how small, the way you handle dissatisfied customers is a major issue. Be sure to understand the basics when it comes to settling customer service issues proactively.ExtremeJohn.com

How to handle the employee from hell.There is another direction from which troubles can come when operating your small business, this is not from complaining customers but from complaining employees. A somewhat different problem to be sure but sometimes just as devastating to your business if not handled well. How do you handle irate employees? Here are some suggestions.Promo Direct

Who should lead your next entrepreneurial venture? The answer may not be as simple as you think. Should the guy who handles the books be in charge? Maybe not, says Ken Kaufman, who has another take on where business leadership comes from. Have any thoughts of your own on business leadership? Why not share them below?CFO Wise


The growing resource of social bookmarking. Social bookmarking sites are becoming a powerful resource and tool for everything from marketing to research. We’re very proud to have BizSugar.com, our sister site, be listed among 8 newer up and coming sites you may want to check out as a start-up entrepreneur. Happy reading!Famous Bloggers

Businesses of every kind are on Google. If you think there’s a difference between online and traditional businesses, think again. And you might want to read the story above as well. The landscape is changing and with it the way in which almost all business is done. Have you figured out how your brick and mortar business fits into the digital age.Construction Marketing UK Blog


Why modern work schedules might not work for entrepreneurs. It seems ironic that as modern stress reducing work schedules are being adopted to improve productivity and employee well-being, an entrepreneurial revolution happening at the same time may not be able to make use of many of these techniques. Here’s why.CFO Wise


A question of semantics. Is there a difference between these terms: start-up, entrepreneur, small business? Here is blogger Susan Payton’s take. What do you think? When educating ourselves as business leaders, how do we see ourselves and does it matter how others see us? What should be our top priorities? Let us here from you, the small business community. And enjoy!Lead 411 Blog


вторник, 22 февраля 2011 г.

Has Small Business Access to Credit Improved?

Almost everyone agrees that small business borrowing plummeted during the Great Recession. The authoritative source on the topic, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC),reportedthat the dollar value of bank loans to small businesses declined 47 percent from 2007 to 2009.

But the economic recovery began in June 2009. In theory, small business borrowing should have come back since then. Has it? Unfortunately, the FFIEC hasn’t yet released the hard numbers on small business bank loans, so we have to look at other sources to divine the trends.

Different sources tell conflicting stories. Consider the question: Are small businesses returning to credit markets? Asurveyconducted in October of last year by the Gallup Organization found the answer to be“no”. The share of small businesses seeking credit declined from 55 percent in 2009 to 48 percent in 2010.

However, the Federal Reserve’ssurvey of senior bank loan officersindicates that small business’s demand for loans increased over the past year, with more loan officers reporting rising demand than falling demand in January 2011.

We also have mixed signals about whether small businesses are getting the capital that they need. The Gallup survey revealed that small companies seeking credit were more likely to get it in 2010 than in 2009 and that they received more of what they asked for in 2010. However, the National Federation of Independent Business’s (NFIB) monthlysurveyof its members indicates that the share of small businesses whose borrowing needs were met was 2 percentage points lower in January 2011 than in June 2009.

Banks and small business owners also have different perceptions of how hard or easy it is to borrow these days. After a tremendous tightening of loan standards during the recession, the share of senior bank loan officers reporting a loosening of small business loan standards has increased over the last year.

Small business credit

However, small business owners don’t perceive a loosening of credit standards. The Gallup Organization poll, conducted in the fall of 2010, found that nearly one third of small business owners thought that obtaining credit had become harder in the previous 12 months, while only 4 percent believed it had become easier.

In short, the conflicting stories make it difficult to tell if small business access to credit has improved in the past year.

Maybe I should look at the bright side. Thelackof agreement that small business access to financinggot worsein the past year means that the situation is improving. Before the recovery started everyoneagreedthat small business access to credit had deteriorated.


понедельник, 21 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Regulation Roundup

Changing regulations often affect small businesses either directly or indirectly. Our feeling atSmall Business Trendsis that, for most small business owners and entrepreneurs, less is more when it comes to rules and regs. However, this ideal isn’t always reached by governments that want their thumbs on the economy and, more particularly, the revenue it represents. Here’s a look at the changing landscape.


IRS focuses upon online business. It’s hardly good news for online entrepreneurs, but the Internal Revenue Service is expected to catch up with business earnings online this year. Be aware. When it comes to online small business operations in 2011, the government has it’s eye on your.Daily Dose

Businesses vent about government regs. There is plenty to complain about when it comes to burdensome regulations and their impact on business large and small. While some rules arguably improve public health and safety in the worplace, many businesses see others as cumbersome and costly. Businesses told their side at a recent U.S. House hearing but what will be the result?Yahoo! News

New government finance regs are complicated to say the least. Here from the Friends of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is an interactive chart demonstrating their complexities. Can you follow the way the hundreds of regulations wind through scores of government agencies in this perplexing financial overall. And how will it affect the ongoing operation of small and medium sized businesses who operate under it.Friends of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce


Deducting your home office expenses. Are you a small business owner working out of the home? Than this is the post for you! Learn more about the full list of business deductions you can take for your small home business. Starting a business is tough enough. Avoid unnecessary costs when paying your taxes to save the maximum for you in the futureLending Tree Blog

When are business losses a good thing? Well, never really, but be sure you write them off when tax time rolls around. In fact, it is very important to keep track of losses when your businesses experiences them because this can definitely benefit you when it comes to estimating what you owe. Don’t pay more than you have to, especially in a bad year and focus on how losses can be translated to your tax return instead.Open Forum

Government Regs

Which government regs really hurt business. From those designed to protect the environment to those aimed at employee safety, government regulations are supposed to protect the public from harm. But what happens when those regulations are also so costly to follow that they restrict business growth especially at a time when growth in the business secter is desperately needed?PBS

The reality of government regulation. Michael Sinensky, a small business owner in New York City, tells how regulations set up to protect employees in the restaurant and bar industry usually end up doing just the opposite. Why? Because increasing costs for small business owners usually causes them to cut costs at employees’ expense. Read what else Sinensky has to say about what truly must be done to save small business.Business Insider

Small Biz Basics

Small businesses bear the brunt. When it comes to environmental and many other regulations, costs for smaller businesses to comply with government regulations are higher than for their larger competitors. Much higher! So if leaders acknowledge the importance of small businesses to economic recovery, they must understand the need to drastically reform the way small businesses are treated. Let’s start now.Business Insider

Waiting on the SBA. Five months ago, Congress enacted a program aimed at helping small businesses to refinance their mortgages potentially saving many businesses from closing. But to date, no small businesses who need the program have beeb able to pursue it. Why? Because the Small Business Administration charged with the task has still not created rules to explain how the new program works.Los Angeles Times


Even regulations need a budget. Few question whether some regulation may be important to protect public safety, but shouldn’t regulations (at least those related to business) be reviewed from time to time too? New legislation would do just that and force accountability by the agencies in charge of administrating them.OpenMarket.org


воскресенье, 20 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: New Social Media Rules

Social media is coming into its own as a tool for networking and marketing in small business and larger brands a like. Beginning with blogs and moving into the rapidly expanding worlds of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more there is a lot to learn AND a lot to be gained, so log on and enjoy!

Basic Tips

First, avoid these social media mistakes. Before you even get started plunging into the world of social media, it’s probably not a bad idea to look at some of the things you shouldn’t be doing. Make no mistake, there are major errors that will cause this fantastic tool called social media not to work effectively, or, worse yet, do more harm than good. Have a look.Bloggertone

Seven great sources of blog inspiration. Yea, we know. That blog content can be hard to come by, not just finding the time to write but just finding all the ideas needed to churn out a decent post day after day. But never fear. Even the greatest writers in history had dry spells. Here are some places to look when you hit yours.Sociatic

Dos and Don’ts

Using Twitter for business: Q&A with Cindy King. Editor of Social Media Examiner Cindy King fields key questions in this live online question and answer session held via Facebook earlier in the week. The session was perserved in transcript form for all to enjoy. (Thanks to Niall Devitt for making it all happen.) Follow along to see if your burning Twitter question is answered.Social Media Ireland.

How not to spam friends on Facebook. Mistreating your friends in social media is no different than mistreating them in the real world. If you do it too often, you may soon find you don’t have friends anymore. This can be disastrous for your online brand and business of course. But with social media so new, how can you be sure you are not accidentally making these mistakes? We’re so glad you asked.Social Media Virtual Assistant

Customer Service

Feeding your customers with social media. A very small part of networking and social media is actually getting your community’s attention. A much bigger part is keeping it. But what is the trick to getting and keeping a community loyal and slowly turning them into customers? It all comes down to what you give them and whether it leaves them wanting more.BizSugar Blog

Social Media SEO

How does social media drive Search Engine Optimization? How much do Twitter, Facebook and the rest affect your Website’s standing with the major search engines? The question continues to be asked among Internet marketers but a statement recently from Google has caused even more speculation. Here’s one analysis of what social media really means to SEO.SiteStream

Content Basics

Stop writing boring blog posts! Seriously. Stop assuming your blog posts are boring because of the subject matter. There’s probably a much better reason and it’s you. Here’s an unsettling look at what’s really wrong with your social media contentandsome advice and how you can go about fixing it.Business 2 Community

How to be a bit more discerning. When was the last time you started a blog post and then decided to change course in mid-post completely abandoning what you were working on for something you think is better? Or when was the last time you finished a blog post completely, looked it over and ended up pushing“delete” instead of“publish.” If you haven’t done either of these things recently, maybe that’s what’s wrong with your content. And it’s got to change.Blogging Bookshelf

How to deliver on Twitter or any other social media platform! Though Jason Kienbaum may have assembled a great list of tips here for how to handle your Twitter account, it seems to us that his suggestions will work well on just about any other social media platform too. We hope you agree and that you will join us in checking out and implementing Jason’s great tips for socializing online today.Business Done Now


It may be one of the most powerful social media tools of them all. But with all the publicity lavished on Facebook and Twitter, you might not think of LinkedIn immediately when mapping out your social media campaign. But while the site that evolved from an online Rolodex into a huge business networking community may not be as flashy as some of its rivals, it has some important features that cannot be ignored.RhinoSEO


суббота, 19 февраля 2011 г.

A Small Business Summit With No Small Business Experts

Recently, I attended the 2011 Small Business Summit in Cleveland, put on by COSE, the Council of Smaller Enterprises.

Steve Millard, COSE President and Executive Director, said that event was being put on to help“redefine” the future of the local small business community.

Hundreds of small business owners and managers were in attendance, and it was obvious that they were there to not only voice their concerns, but also contribute actionable ideas to help shape this region’s future.  The timing for the Summit was good;signs of optimismare starting to appear.

The Summit, facilitated by CWRU Professor of Organizational Development Ron Fry, was an“AI” (Appreciative Inquiry) Organizational Summit. The Professor billed it as “not your typical planning meeting.” He was right on the mark with that statement.

Looking Forward

This was not a PowerPoint event. Professional speakers were nowhere to be found. This event was all about what this 300-person-strong group could bring to the table. It was aboutideas.

If you’ve never heard of AI, the folks atWikipediadefine it as:

A particular way of asking questions and envisioning the future that fosters positive relationships and builds on the basic goodness in a person, a situation or an organization. In so doing, it enhances a system’s capacity for collaboration and change.”

The handouts that each attendee received stated that,“the whole system participates—a cross-section of as many interested parties as is practical. That means more diversity and less hierarchy than is usual in a working meeting, and a chance for each person to be heard and to learn other ways of looking at the task at hand.”

The room was filled to the brim with round tables, and our table had a group of six attendees, along with a COSE employee to help keep us moving through the AI process. We were asked to choose partners; my partner was part owner of a localSandler Sales Trainingfranchise.

The first part of the process involved us both sharing a recent time when we were really proud to be a small business owner/leader. We were told to take notes when our partner was sharing, and that we would be using them later in the session.

Then we dug a little deeper and discussed what past collaborations, networks and learning experiences helped shape the outcomes of the stories we had presented to each other.

Another part of the process included sharing instances when we were able to leverage community alliances and networks to overcome a small business hurdle or barrier to achieve a greater result.

We then went on to discuss ways in which our local communitycurrentlysupports and fosters small business success. All those at our table were able to name several organizations and institutions that were doing a good job supporting the small business community, and that would be worth preserving, or even amplifying, as we move towards the future.

Speaking of the future, the next part of the process involved our vision for the future, as it pertained to our small business success as a community. Of all the things we did, this was probably the most enlightening.

We were told to imagine what things would be like for our community in February 2015, as if a miracle had happened. We imagined our businesses and our community experiencing success like never before. We were told to share specific images that came to mind.

Most of the images that were shared came in the form of newspaper headlines:

“Cleveland Becomes a Portal for International Business Success”

“Ohio Unemployment Is Lowest in the Country”

“Major Shortage of Residential Housing in Metropolitan Cleveland Reported”

“8 Out of 10 Local College Grads Are Choosing to Remain in Cleveland”

“Browns Win Super Bowl!”

You get the picture.

Finally, a member of each table presented their ideas for change to all of the attendees. Some of the ideas included:

  • The creation of a small business lending hub (credit union style)
  • A one-stop concierge-style online resource destination for current/future small business owners
  • A small business incubator located right at COSE headquarters
  • More small-business-focused grass-roots involvement in local communities

There were lots of other great ideas presented, andCOSEwill be providing a summary of the event (including results of the voting on the ideas) in the near future.

I found the format of the COSE Small Business Summit to be really powerful. It was a real chance for real small business owners to get together and propose real ideas for a region that needs them.


пятница, 18 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: SMBs and the Economy

Recently businesses have expressed concern over excessive regulations that have made conducting business ever more expensive, often with limited justification in the eyes of some business owners. Those efforts were portrayed by some in government as a bid to rid business of even important regulations protecting public health and the environment. Instead, small businesses would simply like government to dowhat entrepreneurs have always done when challenging economic challenges: attempt to be realistic and practical when adopting regulation to be sure it does not inadvertently make things tougher on small business and our economy.  

Outlook& Policy

How much debt is really sustainable? As a small business owner, you know that too much debt over too long a period without the ability to pay it off will eventually sink your venture. So, why don’t governments understand this fundamental economic principal? In this video, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Jack Lew, gives a great explanation of how government still cannot get this simple idea right.Policy Forum Blog

Government aims to help economy by cutting small business funding. Some might argue that the place to start cutting costs while trying to increase entrepreneurship and stimulate small business would not be the U.S. Small Business Administration. But then critics have argued for some time argued many of the agency’s could be streamlines to improve service to small business people. However, funding for helpful Small Business Development Centers will also be cut.WSJ

Programs& Regs

SBA changes contract setback rules. Other regulations to change on the federal level include a change in the way government contracts are awarded to small businesses. The changes may affect things like how much of a project is handled by small firms as opposed to a larger partner and also some of the guidelines under which participants in the program can be considered disadvantaged.  The Washington Post

1099 expansion must go. That was the clear message from small business leaders about a requirement included in the new healthcare law that will have small businesses filling out many more of the forms and drastically increasing the scope of the vendors and amounts that require a form to be filled out. Small businesses point of view? Too much time and expense!CFO Webcasts


The bootstrapping guide to business financing. Amongst the challenges facing entrepreneurs in a rapidly changing economy can be the ability to raise capital from conventional means. Hey, what exactly are conventional means these days, anyway. The key is to look for another means for funding your start-up and, thankfully, a time-honored tradition already exists.Open Forum

Ready to start your business a whole new way? Actually, bootstrapping is more straight forward and less convoluted than other ways of starting a business and in most cases you can start today. Ultimately, it’s about launching a business with the resources at hand. There is, of course, an art to achieving positive bootstrapping results.Open Forum

Marketing& Tech

SMBs prefer Facebook Places to Groupon. The numbers are in and if current trends are any indication, in a changing economy in which many businesses are scrambling to find new footing, geo-social platforms are winning out over group buying platforms. Which kind of marketing does your small business prefer?ClickZ

Social media is important but so are Websites and e-mail. Ramon Ray urges businesses to utilize social media like Twitter and Facebook, but not to forget about the importance of Websites and e-mail. In this video Ray goes through a couple of the most important points that will help make your Website and e-mail great marketing and sales tools.smallbiztechnology.com

Outsourcing Trends

SMBs take advantage of borderless economy. In an attempt to compete small to medium sized businesses are also turning to mobile contractors as an on demand source of labor and expertise. A new report shows a trend which could create an opportunity for both small businesses seeking services and those with expertise who are looking to create a business of their own.pr-inside.com

Report shows SMB contractor trend. The report suggests that much more than simply improving productivity with lower cost for many SMBs, the new trend toward outsourced contractors is also creating new small business opportunities for those who either provide a very in-demand service or can manage projects for others. Download the free report and start trying to figure out where your business fits in.SMB Trend Report


четверг, 17 февраля 2011 г.

Selling Luxury in 2011

Remember, oh, say 2007, when luxury was the hottest buzzword in consumer retailing or services? From high-end spa treatments to luxury campouts (yes, campouts) to bling-laden sunglasses and mink dog beds, Americans of all ages (and almost all income brackets) couldn’t get enough luxe.

Fast-forward to 2011 and as shell-shocked consumers slowly creep out of their houses and cautiously start spending again, luxury may be getting ready to rebound—but it’s very different than just a few years ago.JWT Intelligencerecently took a look at the luxury market in an insightful interview with Milton Pedraza, Founder and President ofThe Luxury Institute. You can read all his insights on their site, but I thought I’d spotlight a few here:

Selling Luxury in 2011

Tech is the ultimate luxury.People may be cutting back in other areas, but they’re willing to spend on pricey digital devices (like iPads) because this technology is viewed not as an object, but as “gateways to experience,” Pedraza explains. Tech devices are also tools for sharing with others and for maintaining memories. All of these—experience, sharing, connection—are things that consumers have prioritized over traditional “status symbols” during the recession.

Status shift.Of course, that doesn’t mean tech gadgets aren’t status symbols in themselves. Today, Pedraza says, we convey status by the devices we rely on—an iPhone signals that you’re hip and creative, while a BlackBerry shows you’re a corporate mover and shaker. (Though these perceptions may be shifting.)

Value-add.Even in luxury, consumers are looking for value. If your product or service isn’t tech-oriented, make sure it’s the highest quality. Lasting, durable products that can be passed down to younger generations have more cachet than disposable fads, and services that make a lasting difference will sell.

That’s entertainment.Gaming and entertainment add value to luxury retail, especially online. The best luxury retail stores create a unique environment. In contrast, Pedraza points out, online shopping isn’t typically very exciting, so smart companies will look for ways to up the ante by adding game elements that create entertainment value.

Going mobile.Look for combinations of mobile marketing, ecommerce and CRM. Pedraza cites mobile as the trend to watch, as savvy businesses will use mobile devices to enhance customers’ experiences. For instance, when a regular customer arrives in the store and checks in on a mobile device, imagine a salesperson getting alerted and reminded of the customer’s preferences and prior purchases.

It’s all about relationships.For any business, but especially those in the luxury arena, relationships with customers are key. Pedraza says luxury retailers are striving to continually improve their customer service. That’s a smart move even if you’re not selling luxury.


среда, 16 февраля 2011 г.

Small Business News: Happy Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day is here. Talk about a recognizable brand! But what can this day of love teach you about improving your business by building better customer relationships through communications, branding and customer care. Here are some thoughts for this special holiday:   


Valentine’s Day: Anatomy of a failed branding campaign. It’s Valentine’s Day again and as recognizable as hearts and the adorable cherub cupid might be, Jackie Purnell maintains it’s time to evolve the brand. Is your business stuck with a brand that no longer fits your message or the essence of your company. Change it before your out-manuevered by competitors and ask yourself the hard questions now.Building Business Creating Brands


Valentine’s gifts for your special customers. No we’re not necessarily talking here about a heart-shaped box of candy, flowers or some colorful balloons that say,“I love you.” (Although, hey, whatever works.) But think of what you do for your special clients letting them know thay are special as a Valentine’s Day gift you give the whole year through.Dawn Westerberg Consulting


Being in love with entrepreneurship. Want to know who you should be in love with this Valentine’s Day. Karen Post has an answer for you. There are so many people miserable about their jobs that it could almost be called an epidemic. What’s the solution. Fall in love with entrepreneurship. It may be a romance you never get over.Oddpodz

Social Media

Showing love to your customers Twitter style. Those who see Twitter as a way to market to new customers only may be missing a big part of the Web site’s appeal. Twitter can also be used to bind your loyal customers closer assuming you follow a couple of important tips that will help you build a strong relationship with your best customers.Building Success


Small business in full bloom. What to know what strategies work best for small businesses when customer demand outstrips their ordinary ability to cope. By reading the piece above you can learn more about how small florists survive the biggest day of their year and come out smelling like a rose.Entrepreneur.com


Wow, do we wish we’d thought of this idea. Through a Facebook poll, small business owners were asked to describe,“Who do you love for making your small business life a little better?” And what a response. The answers are virtual love letters to the people who help make small businesses what they are everyday. Beautiful!Today’s Chicago Woman


Better romance through the“virtual office.” While you might not initially think more time holding your favorite mobile device than holding your sweetheart’s hand is a good thing, a survey suggests the virtual (and sometimes mobile) office is allowing more work-life balance which means, of course, more time spent with your significant other.Business Wire


We just love great promotional ideas, don’t you? This one is for Valentines Day and is it a hoot. Name a cockroach after your special someone. No kidding! Read more! When promoting your business, especially on a special day, always try to think out of the box…way out of the box! Business Opportunities Weblog Network


Don’t forget, Valentine’s Day also represents sales. We’re sure it varies from community to community so the figures in the article above may be different where you live, but, of course, Valentine’s Day has also always meant a tremendous opportunity for sales. What did you do this year to capture it?HeraldSun.com.au


Valentine’s Day always good for business. No matter what the latest fad in the small business world or what state the economy is in, Valentine’s Day remains always good for business, and better for those who learn to adapt their businesses to it. Check out this story from one local media outlet about how one community’s economy is literally transformed by the holiday. How about yours?Hollister Free Lance


вторник, 15 февраля 2011 г.

Sustainability and Green Business Trend Continues

This series is commissioned by UPS.

Several years ago we started highlighting the green movement as a trend among small businesses.  Over 5 years later, green business practices continue on the radar screens of small business owners and entrepreneurs.  There are several aspects to having a commitment to sustainability.

Some business owners are interested in sustainable business practices because it can save them money in operating the business.

Other business owners and entrepreneurs sit up and take notice because of the opportunity value.  Simply put, if your customers are interested in green products and companies that demonstrate sustainability, then entrepreneurs will try to deliver what they want.  Quite a few startups and new business lines have been launched to capitalize on the public’s interest in green products.  Even product packaging has become important, with recycled or recyclable packaging becoming a differentiator in the marketplace.

Still other small business owners are committed to sustainable business practices for their own intrinsic value.  Those companies may even require suppliers to demonstrate that they follow sustainable business practices.

Interest in green business practices continues to be a strong trend, and I expect it will continue to be that way for the foreseeable few years.  The best thing to do is educate yourself on sustainaibility, to see how sustainability practices can fit into your company. A few months ago I brought you two articles as part of our UPS Logistics series, and would point you to those for some how-to advice:

Also check out the new SBA.gov website— it’s added quite a few“green business” resources.  The new SBA.gov site is impressive overall.  One section to pay particular attention to is the“Green Business Guide.”  The Guide includes several subsections of resources and information, including these:

List of American cities with green initiatives-  this section lists cities that have established initiatives to encourage green business practices.  It points you to resources and incentive programs for businesses adopting green business practices in those cities.

Restrictions on green marketing claims— this section lists Federal Trade Commissions regulations and guidelines for making“green” claims and environmental marketing claims.

Green commuting– this section has calculators, information and tools for employers to determine costs savings and energy savings from telecommuting and limited commuting to an office.

Read up on sustainability to understand what’s behind this important trend. At the very least your customers may be intensely interested in green business practices and sustainability— making it important you be knowledgeable about such practices to meet their expectations.


понедельник, 14 февраля 2011 г.

New List of Events for Small Biz

Welcome to our bi-weekly roundup of small business events, conferences and webinars, brought to you as a community service bySmall Business TrendsandSmallbiztechnology.com.


Tory Johnson’s 2011 Spark& Hustle National Tour
Multiple Dates and Cities Feb-July 2011

Whether you’re just getting your feet wet with this“business thing,” barely keeping your head above water, or finally ready to swim with the sharks, Spark& Hustle is the place to learn (exactly) how to transform your fledgling (or floundering) business into a wildly profitable venture.


Future of Entrepreneurship Education Summit
Future of Entrepreneurship EducationFebruary 18, 2011, Orlando Florida

This event will feature the top leaders in entrepreneurship education in the United States— combined they serve over 30 Million aspiring and existing entrepreneurs.

The Future of Entrepreneurship Education Summit is an initiative of Extreme Entrepreneurship Education.  This event is being hosted by the University of Central Florida.


Intuit Inner Circle Exclusive Event: Q& A with Scott Cook
February 22, 2011, Online

In honor of Entrepreneurship Week, the Intuit Inner Circle is very excited to bring you an exclusive Q& A session with Intuit’s Founder, Scott Cook. Scott founded Intuit in 1983, based on the core principle of solving customer problems with profound innovation.

Scott will be taking your questions about being successful in small business. He’ll offer his insights and best practices for running a small business in the current environment. You must be an Inner Circle member to attend. Please join the Inner Circle to register for this exclusive event.


Authentic Influence: How Expanding Your Influence Leads to More Income
February 23, 2011, Online

In this webinar, Ramon Ray of Smallbiztechnology.com will interview Lena West, award-winning social media consultant, blogger, speaker, journalist, technologist and the Founder of Real Women Do Social Media and the Authentic Influencer Braintrust about social media, influence, and how it relates to increasing influence in your business. You’ll learn:

- Why, thanks to social media, influence is no longer a dirty word
- Why you don’t have to focus on your income, once you know how to expand your influence
- The misunderstood, hype-free link between influence and income
- 5 simple ways to increase your influence in the next 3 days
And more


Business Continuity and Disaster Survival Strategies for the Small and Mid Size Business
February 24, 2011

Data Loss and extended downtime can cripple a small business. In fact, 94% of companies that experience a major loss of data go out of business. This valuable lunch seminar is about how you can plan ahead with disaster preparedness and business continuity processes.

This Lunch and an Education Seminar is for Business Owners, Company Executives, or anyone responsible for Critical Data on a Computer Network and needs to ensure that the Business Data can be restored in minutes. Larry Owens from IntegrIT Network Solutions and Mark Baird from StorageCraft will share survival strategies and solutions to keep your business going no matter what the disaster– minor, major, environmental, or technological.


Strategic& Financial Planning Seminar
February 24, 2011, Doylestown, PA

This two-part seminar for business owners will help you make informed business decisions about where to spend your money and time. The event is organized by Network Now, a business networking group for women.

Part 1– Strategic Planning.A strategic plan is the road map for your business. You will learn how strategic planning can help you increase your profitability and be guided on how you can easily develop a solid plan for your company.
Part 2– Financial Planning.Your financial plan should support your strategic plan. You will learn how to create a budget, keep track of your income and expenses and measure your results to your forecast.


GetListed.org Local University
February 25, 2011, Portland

Local U: Spokane is an intensive day-long crash course in Internet marketing that will help you navigate the possibilities for marketing your business on the web. You’ll learn search engine optimization (SEO) tips and techniques, including step-by-step walk throughs of how to conduct your online marketing campaigns.


Business Bootcamp for Wonder Women Conference
February 25-26, 2011

Business Bootcamp for Wonder Women is THE professional women’s bootcamp that covers ALL facets of social media, marketing, business and technology.

There are 30 information packed sessions, hands-on workshops and panels for attendees to choose from.


How to Conduct Market Research for Business Plans, Launching New Ventures
February 28, 2011, New York City

Fordham Marketing Professor Hooman Estelami, in this interactive seminar, discusses techniques for conducting market research for evaluating new products, new markets and competitive landscapes. This seminar will help you address the questions: Is your new product/service idea a good one? Is there a market for the product? How big is the market? How do I learn about the competition? How do I make forecasts?


Disney Institute’s Business Owner& Management Conferences: Quality Service and Brand Loyalty
February 28– March 2, 2011, Lake Buena Vista, FL

Presented in partnership with Disney Institute and Northpoint Services.“Benchmark your Business to Disney’s” and discover the strategies and practices that contribute to Disney’s world-renowned success at this conference that includes an exclusive “Business Excellence: Behind-The-Scenes” tour.


Business Process Automation for Solos: The Burgeoning Inbox– Gaining Control of Important Emails
March 1, 2011, Webinar

If you spend more time scrolling through your inbox than actually reading the messages then this webinar is for you. Things You Will Take Away From This Webinar:
* The empowerment to unsubscribe from email lists that aren’t progressing your business
* Understanding how to implement email filters and rules to read and file incoming email messages
* Contact information of all the other attendees
* An invitation to attend Efficien Office Computing’s“First Quarter Review: How Are You Doing?” 90-minute webinar in April 2011 for free


Brite’11 Conference
March 2-3, New York City

BRITE’11 will bring together big thinkers from business, technology, media, and marketing to discuss emerging trends in marketing, innovation, technology, society, and culture and how these trends can transform the ways that companies build and sustain great brands.

BRITE offers a different blend of thinkers and doers, both onstage and off, than you will find at any other event. Participants come to think differently about the changing landscape of media and technology, and to connect with a unique group of innovators, marketers, entrepreneurs, and champions of social enterprise.

Use discount code briteblog25 for 25% off registration.


Sixth Annual Small Business Summit 2011
March 8, 2011, New York City& Online

Produced by Prime Strategies and SmallBizTechnology.com, this event is an informative, inspiring and productive day. Headline speakers include Chris McCann of 1-800-Flowers and Jim Fowler of Jigsaw, which was acquired by Salesforce.com in early 2010.

At this year’s Summit you will network with your peers, gain insight from business leaders who have built successful businesses– including 1-800-Flowers, Jigsaw, 888 Red Light, ColderICE and more– see demos by the hottest technology companies for small businesses, and hear the success story of this year’s Small Business Strategy Award winner. Early Bird registration through February 15th.


Trade Brooklyn
March 14, 2011, Brooklyn, NY

Trade Brooklyn will bring together premier businesses from Brooklyn, the adjoining boroughs of NYC, and the greater NYC region. Exhibitors and Attendees will have the opportunity to connect and network with entrepreneurs, local, regional and national corporations, non-profits, government agencies, business advocacy groups, and the media.


Geek Girl Boot Camp
March 19, 2011, Cape Cod, MA

At this full-day technology“unconference” for women, workshops include PC and Mac, Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.), Location (Foursquare, Gowalla, Yelp) Photoshop, QuickBooks, Blogging, Podcasting, WordPress, Google Tools, Dreamweaver, Video, Inbound Marketing, digital photography and more. The workshopsare designed for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. There are Discussion Groups and an all-day Help Desk. The mission of Geek Girl Camp is to educate and empower every girl and woman at every age level, on every skill level, at every income level on computer technology with fun and provide a legacy by giving back and paying it forward.


Infusioncon User Conference
March 21-24, 2011, Phoenix, AZ

Infusionsoft, the leading provider of marketing automation software for small businesses, will hold its free annual user conference March 21-24 at the Arizona Biltmore in Phoenix. InfusionCon 2011 is the small business marketing event of the year bringing together more than 1,000 Infusionsoft customers for expert-led panel sessions and intensive training from Infusionsoft’s product and customer service teams. See the complete agenda.


The Social Consumer: Case Studies and Roundtables
March 23, 2011, New York City

We all know that consumer behavior is rapidly changing. This half-day conference will showcase very specific case studies that demonstrate how leading brands engage, influence and service consumers through innovative social programs.  This conference will answer the following questions and more:

  • How are brands using content strategy and content marketing as valuable currency to attract and retain customers and prospects?
  • What are specific examples of how consumer marketers provide better customer service through social CRM?
  • How do you embrace mobile social strategies including location based programs to increase sales and strengthen your brand?
  • How are leading brands engaging customers through social games?
  • What are the best examples of how leading e-commerce brands embrace social commerce to increase sales and provide better service?
  • How does Facebook’s open graph and the explosion of the “like button” impact consumer marketing?


Vertical Response 2011 Take Action User Seminar Series
Multiple Cities and Dates

March 23, 2011– Boston
March 25, 2011– New York City
June 23, 2011– Chicago
September 30, 2011– Denver

The Vertical Response 2011 Take Action User Seminar is designed to educate you about e-mail marketing in the age of social media. Complement your attendance with a one-on-one e-mail consultation and get the chance to take what you learn and immediately put it into action!


The 2011 U.S./Israel Venture Summit
March 29-30, 2011, New York City

The U.S./Israel Venture Summit, presented by youngStartup Ventures, is the premier gathering where cutting-edge Israeli startups meet top venture capitalists, angel investors, corporate VCs and investment bankers from throughout North America.

Whether you are an investor seeking new deals, or an emerging company seeking capital and exposure, The U.S./Israel Venture Summit is one event you won’t want to miss.


BlogWell: How Big Brands Use Social Media
March 29, 2011– New York City

This event is all about how big brands use social media. No agencies, no startups— just big companies sharing what they’ve learned and providing practical, how-to advice on creating great content, earning management buy-in, training employees, engaging fans and keeping everything ethical and legal.

Additional BlogWell events:
May 4, 2011– Washington, DC


GROWCO Grow Your Company Conference
April 6-8, 2011, Las Vegas

Inc. created GROWCO, a three-day conference for business leaders who want brass tacks advice to achieve the next level of growth. GROWCO speakers include founders and CEOs of fast-growing companies, icons in the business community, and authors of definitive business tomes. Learn how to develop a vision, manage a team, create a brand, get the most for your marketing dollar, connect with customers, close deals and find capital.


Trade Nassau
April 12, 2011, Woodbury, NY

Trade Nassau will bring together premier businesses from Long Island the greater NY Metro region. Exhibitors and Attendees will have the opportunity to connect and network with entrepreneurs, local, regional and national corporations, non-profits, government agencies, business advocacy groups, and the media.

Meet and explore business opportunities with Long Island’s business elite
Meet Hundreds of Exhibitors and over 1,500 key decision makers
Attend business seminars and panel discussions to learn about the best business practices from experts


12th Annual U.S. Department of Energy Small Business Conference& Expo
May 10-12, 2011, Kansas City, MO

This event will feature plenaries, educational workshops, an Exhibit Hall with over 200 exhibitors/sponsors, as well as business matchmaking sessions. Over 1,600 attendees will represent all levels of federal, state and local government agencies, the small business community, large/prime contractors, minority educational institutions and many more.

The largest civilian contracting agency within the federal government, DOE spent over $25 billion in contracts in FY 2010. The 12th Annual DOE Small Business Conference& Expo is a great opportunity for small business owners, large companies and universities alike to network and partner.


unGeeked Elite
unGeeked EliteMay 12 -14, 2011, Chicago, IL

unGeeked Elite 3-day Retreat’s unique format:

* No keynote speakers: unGeeked levels the playing field by presenting you with an influential list of international, national and regionally recognized consultants and authors.
* No Presenters: unGeeked is where you participate in open discussions with“discussion leaders” regarding leveraging your corporate and personal brand.
* Fewer Power Points or Prezi’s: Really? We don’t like them. However, if the speaker needs to use one of these tools, they are limited to only five slides.
* More speaker and attendee interaction: We’re changing what to expect from a seminar or conference.

Limited to 125 participants. Note:  Anita Campbell, CEO ofSmall Business Trendswill be speaking at this event.


America’s Small Business Summit 2011
May 23-25, 2011, Washington, DC

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s annual event — America’s Small Business Summit — unites small business owners, managers, and entrepreneurs from across the country to learn, network, and discuss common legislative and management concerns. Help influence our nation’s economic and political agenda by advocating for pro-business policies through the Rally on the Hill portion of the program. Register before April 1st for early bird pricing.


The Art of Angel Investing: What Investors Look for, and Look Out for, When Investing in Startups
May 24, 2011, New York City

This event is a must-attend for anyone interested in learning more about pitching business ideas, venture capital/angel investing and starting their own business. And for those who are Fordham students or alumni, come cheer on your peers in the final round of the Fordham Business Plan Competition!


140 Characters Conference
June 15-16, 2011, New York City

This event is expected to be the largest worldwide gathering of people interested in the effects of the real-time Internet on both business and“we” the people. It seems like everyone is talking about Facebook and Twitter, but so what? Why do they really matter?

#140conf exposes you to the power the Internet has to disrupt businesses, change lives and create serendipity. You will leave with a fresh outlook on how the real-time Web can be used in your business or personal life to actually do something meaningful.


Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium
June 27-30, Reno, NV

Do you run a Veteran-owned or service-disabled Veteran-owned small business (VOSB/SDVOSB) and want to work with the government? Or do you want to team with a Veteran-owned company but aren’t sure how? The National Veterans Small Business Coalition has created the Veteran Entrepreneur Training Symposium (VETS) to help you accomplish your small business goals.

Unlike other small business conferences, VETS connects thriving Veteran business owners with emerging Veteran entrepreneurs to expose the knowledge needed to acquire government contracts and teaming opportunities. While attending, also expect to network with government agencies, large companies, and potential clients and customers.


FAA Small Business Opportunities Training Conference and Trade Show
June 28-July 1, 2011, Oklahoma City, OK

The FAA will host its Annual National Small Business Procurement Opportunities Training Conference and Trade Show on June 28– July 1, 2010. The conference provides a forum for small businesses (including service-disabled and veteran-owned small businesses and 8(a) certified firms) to participate in technical and procurement opportunities workshops. Sessions will link small businesses with program managers, address business issues and concerns, and provide information that will benefit small businesses seeking to do business with the agency.


NAWBO Women’s Business Conference 2011
August 31– September 1, 2011, San Diego, CA

The NAWBO Women’s Business Conference is the only event of its kind focused on connecting women entrepreneurs to real business opportunities that deliver bottom-line results. The conference brings together businesses of all sizes from various industries to provide women entrepreneurs with both personal and professional tools and resources to take their business to the next level of success.


Affiliate Summit East 2011
August 21-23, 2011, New York City

Affiliate Summit East 2011, the premier affiliate marketing conference, is taking place August 21-23, 2011 in New York City. This three-day conference includes an exhibit hall with affiliate merchants, vendors and networks, and multiple tracks of educational sessions covering the latest trends and information from affiliate marketing experts.


To find more small business events, contests and awards, visit ourSmall Business Events Calendar.

If you are putting on a small business contest, award or competition, and want to get the word out to the community, please submit it through ourEvents& Contests Submission Form.(We do not charge a fee to be included in this listing— it is completely free to list your event.) Only events of interest to small business people, freelancers and entrepreneurs will be considered and included.
